Songkran is upon us and we’re all feeling the heat here in Bangkok. But behind all the water fights and parties, there are the basic Thai rituals that have traditionally been a part of the Songkran holiday: merit-making and paying respect to your elders. Here is our homage to the quieter side of Songkran, in pictures:
Community coming to the local temple to make merit for Songkran
Floral Songkran shirts and Saffron Monk’s robes
Monks in prayer with community offerings.
Everyone helps to prepare the food for the monks.
Plates ready to feed the monks.
Families will bring urns with the remains of their relatives to the temple to be part of the Songkran blessing.
Jasmine scented wreath and water used to pour over the hands of the elders
Pouring of the water over the hands of the elders to pay respect and receiving their blessing in return.
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